UEFA Champions League results: LIVE!

Lite and Pro versions

Monitor the UEFA Champions League results. Every 5 minutes your iPhone will receive the current score and will alert you of any changes in the game.

Our technology allows you to monitor the game, with minimal amount of data transfer, saving you bandwidth and your data plan :-)

If you upgrade to the pro-version, you will have in addition:
  • Change the refresh rate: you can set your iPhone to refresh according to your preferences, down to just one minute intervals.
  • Check for individual teams: your iPhone will alert you only on your team status; you may also track more than one team at a time.
  • Highlight latest changes: Confuse to what were the latest changes? The iPhone will highlight the latest changes in red.
  • Know what games are active.
  • Alert with vibration: Are you in a theatre? Don't worry, the vibration option allows your iPhone to keep you alert of any changes.
  • Keep the networks alive when the phone is on standby: you will be able to turn off the iPhone screen (saving you battery!) and the program will continue to run and to monitor changes in results.
  • Check for changes in the UEFA Cup too: the software can also track the UEFA Cup.